728x90 진리찾기1 92절. 진리찾기 Seeking Truth 92절. 진리찾기 Seeking Truth 구하는건 무엇인가 What is sought 없었을때 구함이요 Is what was not there before, 찾는다함 어느곳에 To search is to seek 있는지를 모를때에 When one does not know 찾는것을 의미하네 Where it exists. 너희문을 두드리라 Knock, and it will be opened to you, 그러하면 찾으리라 Search, and you will find. 닫힌문을 열어달라 Ask, and the closed door will be opened, 필요한것 요청하여 Request what is needed, 원하는것 찾으라네 And seek what is desired. 하나님의 진리세상 In .. 2024. 4. 21. 이전 1 다음 728x90