728x90 새삶2 88. 새삶 a new life 88. 새삶 a new life 나자신이 없었을때 When I did not exist,나란존재 존재하며 My existence was present.만상만물 사라지면 When all things and all beings disappear,영원진리 다가온다 Eternal truth approaches.에고존재 사라지면 When the ego disappears,우주전체 나가되니 The whole universe becomes me.나란존재 전체되고 My existence becomes the whole,전체속에 태어난다 And I am born within the who.. 2024. 8. 20. 14. 새삶 New Life 14. 새삶 New Life 산삶과 몸이 자기가 되어 The living life and the body become themselves업습이 명을 흔들고 있네 Karma and habits are shaking the lifeline업습을 모두 버리고 나면 Discarding all karma and habits,진리로 거듭 날수가 있네 One can be reborn into truth.진리로 난자 진리로 살고 Living in truth, being born in truth,진리로 산자 영생을 얻네 Living in truth, attaining eternal life.. 2024. 5. 26. 이전 1 다음 728x90