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게송 (揭頌) 2

111. 수행1 Perform 1

by 꽃단청 2024. 10. 6.

111. 수행1  Perform 1                                                           


어느정도 공부했다  I've studied to a certain extent
하는사람 알음알이  I know who's doing it
지식축적 할수록더  The more knowledge you accumulate, the more
깨달음과 멀어진다  become distant from the realization of

자기자신 많은수행  a self-confident performance
많은포교 많은공부  A lot of propagation. A lot of studying
했다라고 하는순간  The moment you say that
깨달음과 거리멀다  be far from enlightened

오히려더 초심자들  Rather, The Beginners
발심보다 멀어진다  Are Closer to the Initial Aspiration
초심행자 하심으로  The Beginners Are
지극히도 겸손하다  Extremely Humble

깨달음에 가깝다고  If One Claims to Be Close to Enlightenment
포교많이 했다거나  Or to Have Done Much Teaching
불교많이 안다거나  Or to Know Much About Buddhism
일체의상 없다하네  They Have No Sign of It

오직하나 마음비고  Only by Emptying the Mind
하나에서 낮은마음  And Holding a Humble Heart
그마음에 정진할뿐  Can One Truly Strive Forward

초심자의 하심함은  The Humility of a Beginner
고참자의 그것보다  Is Closer to Enlightenment
깨달음에 가까웁다  Than That of a Veteran

지식들이 많을수록  The More Knowledge One Has
깨달음과 멀어지고  The Further One Moves From Enlightenment
공부했다 하는상에  When One Claims to Have Studied
공부와는 멀어지네  They Move Further From Study

수행자의 첫째덕목  The First Virtue of a Practitioner
하심이며 겸손이라  Is Humility and Modesty
공부많이 했다함은  Claiming to Have Studied Much
멀어졌단 말이라네  Is a Sign of Moving Away

진정하게 공부한자  Those Who Have Truly Studied
누구보다 열심했다  When They Think They Have Done Their Best
생각하는 그순간에  In That Moment
모든공덕 사라진다  All Merit Disappears







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