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게송 (揭頌) 2

60. 죽어야 진정 나를 보네I must die to truly see myself

by 꽃단청 2024. 7. 15.

60. 죽어야 진정 나를 보네
I must die to truly see myself                                              


죽어야 진정 나를 보네I must die to truly see myself

나는 늙은 애벌레가 되어  
I become an old caterpillar,
나뭇가지에  매달려 있네 
Hanging on a branch,
실로 짜여진 그속에 있네 
I'm within the woven fabric,
나비가 되기 위해서 있네 
To become a butterfly.

아름다운 날개 달고서 날아
With beautiful wings, I fly,
하늘과 땅을 연결시켜 주며 
Connecting heaven and earth,
꽃들의 달콤한 꿀을 마시며  
Sipping the sweet nectar of flowers,
이꽃에서 저꽃으로  다니며  
Flitting from this flower to that,
사랑의 씨앗을 날라다 주지 
Scattering seeds of love.

내가 없으면 꽃이 없는 세상이 되네 
Without me, the world becomes devoid of flowers,
내 진정 애벌레 이기를 포기 해야지  
I must surrender my caterpillar guise,
간절한 바램으로 나비가 될 수 있네 
With earnest desire, I can become a butterfly.

목숨을 버려야 나비가 되지  
I must sacrifice my life to become a butterfly,
내 겉모습은 죽어 없어지며 
My outer appearance dies and disappears,
참모습은 여전히 살아 남지 
But my true form remains alive,
삶이 사라져 버린게 아니지 
Life doesn't vanish.

나비가 되어 보지도 못하고 
Unable to witness becoming a butterfly,
죽은 애벌레들 과는 다르지  
Different from dead caterpillars.

나는 지금 고치를 짖고 있네 
I am now barking like a dog,
숨어 버리는 것 처럼 보이지
Seemingly hiding away,
변화 동안에 잠시 머무는 집 
A temporary dwelling during transformation,
되 돌아갈 수 없는 도약이지 
An irreversible leap,
그 안에서 나비가 되어가지 
Within it, I am becoming a butterfly.

새로운 삶 창조 하는 것이지
Creating a new life,
내가 죽어야 진정 나를 보네
I must die to truly see myself.


죽어야 진정 나를 보네I must die to truly see myself





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