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게송 (揭頌) 2

84. 이내몸은 This Body of Mine

by 꽃단청 2024. 8. 12.

84. 이내몸은  This Body of Mine                                         


이내몸은  This Body of Mine


나라하는 이내몸은   This body of mine that I call myself
살은적도 없었다네   Has never lived,
죽은적도 없었다네   And has never died.

그자리에 그냥있어   It just exists in that place,
과거에도 존재했고   It existed in the past,
현재에도 존재하며   It exists in the present,
미래에도 존재하네   And it will exist in the future.

만물이며 만상이며   It is all things and all forms,
우주이고 하늘이고   It is the universe and the sky,
육지이고 바다이고   It is the land and the sea,
구름이고 모두이네   It is the clouds and everything.

구름되고 비가되고   Becoming clouds and becoming rain,
강물되어 땅을적셔   Becoming river water that moistens the land,
모든만물 새로웁게   Making all things new,
태어나게 힘을쓰게   Exerting the power to give birth.


이내몸은  This Body of Mine





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