728x90 공명현상1 33. 공명현상 resonance phenomenon 33. 공명현상 resonance phenomenon 꿈속에서 일어난일 Events that occurred in dreams,현실에서 일어나니 When they occur in reality,현몽인가 악몽인가 Is it a lucid dream or a nightmare?현실속에 같은시간 In reality, at the same time,일어난일 느껴지니 When events happen, they are felt,이내몸이 꿈을꾸나 Is this body dreaming?이런사실 현재상황 In such a situation,언제까지 나타날까 How long will it last?빨리버려 잊어보세 Quickly discard and forg.. 2024. 6. 13. 이전 1 다음 728x90