728x90 빛1 83절. 빛 Light 83절. 빛 Light 혼돈하고 공허하며 Amidst chaos and emptiness, 깊음위에 흑암있고 Darkness lies upon the depths. 가라사대 빛있으라 But it is said, "Let there be light," 빛이있고 좋았더라 And there was light, and it was good, 빛과어둠 나누시어 Dividing light from darkness. 하나님의 형상속에 In the image of God, 빛과어둠 심으시니 Light and darkness are placed. 하늘의기 남성으로 The masculine energy of heaven, 따의기운 여성으로 The feminine energy of earth, 또하나의 빛과어둠 And an.. 2024. 4. 12. 이전 1 다음 728x90