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명상/게송 (揭頌) 1113

69절. 복을지음 Bestowing Blessings 69절. 복을지음 Bestowing Blessings 하나님을 찾는데에 In seeking God 목마른자 굶주린자 The thirsty and hungry 우는자는 원한만큼 The weeping, as much as they weep 채워지고 얻을거며 Will be filled and rewarded 행복하게 웃을거네 And will laugh with joy 진리관해 관심없고 Those who have no interest in truth 아무생각 욕구또한 And have no desires or thoughts 없는자는 평생토록 Those who have nothing their whole lives 얻을수도 없거니와 Will not obtain anything 무엇인지 알수없네 And cannot.. 2024. 3. 29.
68절. 고진감래 Joy after Hardship/Sweet Are the Hardships 68절. 고진감래 Joy after Hardship /Sweet Are the Hardships 자기자신 버리고서 Abandoning oneself 진리만을 바라보고 Only seeking truth 기도하며 헌신하니 Praying and dedicating oneself 타인눈엔 바보처럼 In the eyes of others, like a fool 어리석게 보인다네 Seems foolish 다버리고 행을하면 When one lets go and acts 이세상은 더도없는 This world becomes invaluable 진리이며 천국인데 It becomes the truth and heaven 신심없는 이웃에겐 To those without faith, 모두가다 헛것이네 It's all in va.. 2024. 3. 28.
67절. 너 자신을 알라 Know Yourself 67절. 너 자신을 알라 Know Yourself 사람들이 외적으로 Even if people know everything externally 모든것을 안다해도 And claim to know everything 내적으로 자신존재 Internally, if they don't know 존재함을 모르는게 Their own existence 아무것도 모르는것 It's as if they know nothing 모든것을 알기보다 Rather than knowing everything 자신존재 아는것이 Knowing one's own existence 훨씬더욱 어려웁고 Is much more difficult 한평생을 허무하게 Living one's whole life 살아가다 떠나가네 In vain, and .. 2024. 3. 27.
66절. 세상에 쓸모 없는 사람은 없다 There are no useless people in the world 66절. 세상에 쓸모 없는 사람은 없다 There are no useless people in the world 세상사는 동안에는 During one's life in the world 경쟁들을 지나치게 Excessive competition 조장하는 사회풍조 Encouraged societal atmosphere 그속에서 좌절하고 Within it, feeling frustrated 무력감에 흔들리네 Feeling powerless 누구든지 자신들의 Anyone who finds 존재의미 발견하고 Meaning in their existence 자신들을 사랑하고 Loving themselves 소중함을 깨달아서 Realizing their worth 살아가야 의미있네 Must live a meaning.. 2024. 3. 26.