121. 보는놈이 곧 여래다
The one who sees is the Buddha
무엇본다 말하는가 What is it that you say you see?
생각하는 그놈봐라 Look at the one who is thinking.
그리보아 보아질수 Is it something that can be seen that way?
있다하는 물건인가 Is it a thing that truly exists?
아니로다 보려하면 No, if you try to see,
마음구름 가려지니 The cloud of the mind obscures it.
허공마음 같이하면 If the mind is like the empty sky,
저절로라 보이니라 It will naturally appear.
부처경계 알고자면 If you wish to understand the Buddha's realm,
마땅하게 그뜻함을 You should rightly have this intention:
허공같이 행하거라 Act like the empty sky,
온갖망상 시비분별 All delusions, disputes, and discriminations,
모든인연 놓고나면 If you let go of all conditions,
마음감이 걸림없다 The feeling of the mind will be unobstructed.
그가운데 자기일을 In the midst of it, one's own work,
충실한놈 여래된다 The one who is sincere becomes the Buddha.
'게송 (揭頌) 2' 카테고리의 다른 글
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