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4절. 단무지(단순 무식 지극정성),覺者無覺[SID(Simple Ignorant Devoted), The Awakened Have No Awakening]

by 꽃단청 2024. 1. 24.


4절. 단무지(단순 무식 지극정성),覺者無覺

SID(Simple  Ignorant  Devoted)

The Awakened Have No Awakening                                 




진리찾기 목마른자 Those who are thirsty for the truth,

자그마한 근거라도 Even a small piece of evidence,

있는것이 보여지면 If it appears to exist,

수단방법 안가리고 Without choosing means or methods,

찾아가며 기도하네 They go searching and praying.


기독교다 이슬람교 Whether it's Christianity, Islam,

불교라도 진리찾아 Or Buddhism, to find the truth,

하늘궁전 알아내려 To find out about the heavenly palace,

목마름에 귀의하고 In thirst, they convert,

실망하고 떠나가네 Get disappointed, and leave.


시간지나 알음알음 As time passes, little by little,

쌓였다가 폭발하니 It builds up and explodes,

이세상이 모두내것 This world is all mine,

모든것이 진리이라 Everything is the truth,

대자유를 만끽하네 And they enjoy great freedom.


진리찾는 방편알고 Knowing the means to find the truth,

이리저리 포도하여 They proselytize here and there,

많은사람 진리찾고 Many people are looking for the truth,

먼저알아 증득하나 Whether they find out first or gain it,

나중하나 똑같다네 In the end, it's all the same.


모든것이 하나님의 Everything is God's,

진리이며 생명이라 The truth and the life,

너도나도 진리되고 You and I become the truth,

이세상이 둘이아닌 This world is not two,

모든것이 하나이네 Everything is one.




