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게송 (揭頌) 2

45. 바람따라 Following the Wind

by 꽃단청 2024. 6. 25.

45. 바람따라 Following the Wind                                        


당신곁에 가기위해 To be by your side,
나는바람 되었다네 I became the wind.
나무가지 잎새사이 Among the branches and leaves,
스치면서 달려가네 I rush, brushing past,
잎새들을 흔들면서 Shaking the leaves.

당신모습 전해오면  When I bring your image,
나무가지 잎새하나  Through a single leaf or branch,
나의삶을 그린다네  I paint my life,
당신과나 함께하는  For the space where you and I
숨을쉬는 공간위해 Breathe together.

당신마음 보여주니 Revealing your heart,
온하늘이 태양처럼 The entire sky shines like the sun,
환희에찬 빛난모습 Radiant with joy,
이내몸을 불사르며 Burning my body instantly,
이세상을 달려가네 Running through this world.

그동안에 살아오며 Living all this time,
상처입고 분노하고 With wounds, anger,
혐호하고 감춰지고  Prejudices, and hidden emotions,
흐트러진 나의마음 My troubled heart
모든것을 태웠다네 Burnt everything away.

거리낌이 없는마음 A heart without hesitation,
어디서나 자유로운  Free everywhere,
대자유의 바람따라 Following the wind of great freedom,
하나하나 모든것에 With gratitude and happiness
감사하며 행복하네 For everything, one by one.


바람따라 Following the Wind




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