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게송 (揭頌) 1

59절. 적멸 Nirvana

by 꽃단청 2024. 3. 19.

59절. 적멸 Nirvana                                                                   


적멸 Nirvana

살아있는 육신갖고 With a living body,
보고듣고 생각하고 Seeing, hearing, thinking,
행을해야 실천하지 To enact and practice,
죽어있는 육신으론 With a lifeless body,
아무것도 할수없네 Nothing can be accomplished.

내가하고 싶어하는 All the goals and aspirations,
목표하는 모든일들 Desiring to achieve,
스스로가 육신으로  Must be moved and thought by oneself,
움직이며 생각해야 Through the body in action,
이룰수가 있다하네 They can be realized.

하나님을 만나려고 Meeting God,
간절하게 원한다면  To earnestly desire
기도하는 육신있어  With a praying body,
행을해야 어느순간 Through action, at any moment,
만날수가 있다하네 You can meet Him.

육신갖고 마음으로 With a physical form and through the heart,
희로애락 탐진치가 Overcoming joy and sorrow, desires,
내가없어 사라지고  As the self disappears,
상을떠난 그자리에 In the place beyond rewards,
홀연듯이 자리하네 Suddenly, you reside.

적멸이란 한마디로 Nirvana, In a single word,
내가죽고 없는상태 I die and reach a state of non-existence,
육신갖고 생각으로 With a physical body and through thought,
적멸하여 상없으면 Nirvana, devoid of rewards,
그자리가 진리자리 That place is the seat of truth.     








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