57절. 결실 Fruition
많은사람 가운데는 Among many people,
좋고나쁜 생각들과 Good and bad thoughts,
긍적적인 부정적인 Positive and negative attitudes,
자세들이 섞여있어 Are all mixed together,
구분하기 어려웁네 Difficult to distinguish.
일정시간 지나가고 After a certain period of time
결실시기 다가오면 When the season of fruition approaches,
확연히도 구분되며 Clearly differentiated,
진리찾는 진짜배기 The true seekers of truth
튀어나서 알수있네 You can tell by jumping out
우리내가 알음알이 What I know is
갖고있는 잣대로서 Using our own standards,
비교하고 구별하여 Comparing and discerning,
시시비비 가리고서 Covering every detail,
온갖짐을 지고사네 Carrying all kinds of baggage,
온갖충동 일으키니 Stirring up various impulses,
희노애락 모든경계 Breaking down all boundaries of joy and sorrow,
허물고서 비워내면 Emptying them out,
있는것이 없는거며 What exists becomes nonexistent,
없는것이 있는거라 And what is nonexistent becomes existent.
그자리가 공의자리 That's the seat of the space
하나님의 천국세상 God's heavenly world,
불국토의 근원자리 The origin of the land of Nirvana,
피안세계 따로없고 There is no separate realm,
현재지금 여기있네 It is here and now.
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