84절. 상(想) Thoughts
부모에게 태어나서 Having been born to parents,
이세상에 존재하는 Existing in this world,
나란존재 알고보니 Upon realizing my existence,
조상에게 유전되어 I see that I have inherited
모든업습 물려졌네 All the habits from my ancestors.
나란존재 깨닫고저 Realizing my existence,
백팔번뇌 모든것을 I pondered countless times,
버리고서 돌아보니 And upon reflection,
세포마다 조상업습 I found that in every cell,
쌓여있어 버렸다네 Ancestral habits had piled up.
세포하나 하나쌓인 stacked one cell by one
업과습을 깨끗하게 clean up one's karma and humidity
씻어내고 태워버려 Wash it off and burn it
후세에게 유전되는 inherited from future generations
to future generations
업과습을 차단하네 You're blocking the karma and humidity
하나님의 몸과마음 the body and heart of God
나의몸을 통하여서 Through my own body and mind,
세상사를 관찰할때 When you observe the world
더러워진 육신으로 with a dirty body
영접함이 부끄럽네 I'm embarrassed to see you
이제서야 하신말씀 That's what you just said
어려움을 극복하고 Overcoming difficulties,
단무지로 수련하여 Training oneself like pickled radish,
하나님의 보금자리 Purifying body and mind
몸마음을 정화하네 To dwell in God's sanctuary.
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