82절. 스승 Teacher
진리의길 찾아가는 In seeking the path of truth,
가장쉬운 방편에는 The easiest means lies
좋은스승 가르침에 In receiving teachings from a good teacher;
수용하고 증득함이 To accept and gain from them
가장좋은 방편이네 Is the best means.
어떤스승 만나느냐 Depending on the teacher one meets,
그에따라 진리찾는 There can be much difference in the time
시간차이 많이있네 It takes to find the truth.
빨리찾고 못찾음은 The speed of finding or not finding
방편따른 차이크네 Varies according to the means.
진리천국 증득하여 To attain the kingdom of truth,
그속에서 사는스승 Living alongside teachers who have attained it,
가까이서 배워가며 Learning closely from them,
추종하고 따라해야 Following and emulating,
스스로도 기회이네 Is an opportunity for oneself.
이루워진 천국에서 Knowing how to live
살아감을 아는것이 In the realized kingdom
하나님과 만남인데 Is meeting with God,
이미찾은 스승함께 And being with teachers already found
하는것이 최선이네 Is the best.
진리관해 말만하고 Merely speaking about the truth
행이없는 인도자는 Without action is futile;
평생토록 추종해도 Even if one follows for a lifetime,
진리근처 갈수없고 They cannot get close to the truth
괜한시간 버린다네 And waste their time in vain.
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