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게송 (揭頌) 2

14. 새삶 New Life

by 꽃단청 2024. 5. 26.

14. 새삶 New Life                                                                    


새삶 New Life

산삶과 몸이 자기가 되어  

The living life and the body become themselves

업습이 명을 흔들고 있네  

Karma and habits are shaking the lifeline

업습을 모두 버리고 나면  

Discarding all karma and habits,

진리로 거듭 날수가 있네  

One can be reborn into truth.

진리로 난자 진리로 살고  

Living in truth, being born in truth,

진리로 산자 영생을 얻네  

Living in truth, attaining eternal life.

영생을 얻어 하나가 되니  

Attaining eternal life, becoming one,

만물이 모두 내속에 있네  

Everything is within me.

이제는 몸을 빌려서 사니  

Now, borrowing the body to live,

앞뒤가 하나 인것을 아네  

Realizing unity in all directions.

천지와 인연 이치를 아니  

Unaware of the essence of the connection between heaven,

earth, and humanity,

이몸이 살아 새삶을 사네  

This body lives, experiencing a new life.


새삶 New Life




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