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명상/게송 (揭頌) 1113

53절. 할례 Circumcision 53절. 할례 Circumcision 새벽부터 밤늦도록 From dawn until late at night, 부지런한 그대들은 You diligent ones are 미망속서 빠져있어 Engrossed in your pursuits, 눈을뜨고 잠을자는 No different from fish 물고기와 뭐다르냐 That open their eyes and sleep. 충혈된눈 시간없이 Eyes congested, time fleeting, 무엇들을 쫒아가며 Chasing after various things, 몸이깨어 있다하여 Even when awake, 그대들의 성심마저 Do not think your sincere hearts 깨어있다 생각말라 Are truly awakened. 그무엇에 쫒기면서 .. 2024. 3. 13.
52절. 스승 Teacher 52절. 스승 Teacher 지구에서 현재삶은 Life on Earth now is 살아있는 사람끼리 Among the living people 선현들의 가르침은 The teachings of the sages 경륜적인 교훈말들 They're moral lessons from scriptures 현재스승 존경해야 Respect the current teacher 과거부터 여러가지 From the past, various 학설경전 등을통해 Through doctrines and scriptures 역사로서 많은지식 As history, a lot of knowledge 존재하며 참고하나 It's there and it's a reference 현재스승 뿐이없네 I don't have a teacher at.. 2024. 3. 12.
51절. 새 세상 New World 51절. 새 세상 New World 우리들이 존재이전 Before we exist 새세상에 와있지만 Though we are in a new world 현세상이 천국임을 The present world is heaven 느끼고서 알아야만 Only when we feel and know 존재함을 알수있네 Can we know existence 육신으로 존재하는 Existing in the flesh 아집덩이 나란존재 A lump of stubbornness, that's me 원래부터 없는것을 Something that originally doesn't exist 온갖집착 온갖번뇌 All kinds of attachment, all kinds of delusions 얽매여서 살아가네 I live bound.. 2024. 3. 11.
50절. 나툼 Generate 50절. 나툼 Generate 내몸떠나 유체이탈 Leaving my body, astral projection 지구떠나 우주에서 Leaving Earth, in the universe 바라보는 지구모습 Looking at the Earth 그속에서 살아온삶 The life I've lived in it 회상하니 순간이네 Reflecting, it's a moment 점으로도 안보이는 Not even visible as a dot 육신갖고 살아온삶 The life I've lived with flesh 희로애락 탐진치에 Happiness, anger, sadness, and pleasure. Simple[naive] and honest 온갖욕심 찌들어서 Full of all kinds of greed 이리.. 2024. 3. 10.