728x90 명상/게송 (揭頌) 2118 42. 형상 Shape 42. 형상 Shape 삶과 죽음 둘이 아니네 - Life and death are not two그것은 사람의 마음 - That is the human mind일체의 모든것 - Everything in its entirety그 형상의 모든것 - Everything of that form가고 옴이 일체 없다네 - There is no coming and going at all눈은 형상에 매여 있으니 - The eyes are bound to forms근본의 참을 모르네 - They do not know the truth of the origin 2024. 6. 22. 41. 만공 filled with emptiness 41. 만공 filled with emptiness 끊어질듯 이어지니 - It seems to break off but continues공의자리 묘하구나 - The place of emptiness is mysterious이제다시 드는자리 - Now, the place that rises again무얼할까 망설이네 - What should I do? I hesitate나보는나 없는곳에 - In the place where I am not, from my perspective진공묘유 하나인데 - Though it's just a single empty space무얼찾아 헤메이나 - What am I searching for .. 2024. 6. 21. 40. 삼매경 The Three-Character Classic 40. 삼매경 The Three-Character Classic 진리속의 삼매경에 In the depths of truth's Three-Character Classic,깊고깊이 빠져드니 I fall deeper and deeper,진공묘유 하나되어 Becoming one with emptiness,시간개념 잊었구나 Forgetting the concept of time.내가먼저 나잊으니 Forgetting myself first,잊었다고 시셈함을 Forgetting, I am commanded,천둥처럼 울려오니 Roaring like thunder,나의귀속 멍멍하네 Deafening my ears.삼매경속 어우러짐 In the convergence of.. 2024. 6. 20. 39. 가짐 Disposition 39. 가짐 Disposition 사랑을 가진자 친구가 있고The one who possesses love has friends,선함을 가진자 외롭지 않고The one who possesses kindness is never lonely,정의를 가진자 동반자 있고The one who possesses justice has companions,진리를 가진자 듣는이 있고The one who possesses truth has listeners,자비를 가진자 화평이 있고The one who possesses mercy has peace,진실을 가진자 기쁨이 있고The one who possesses.. 2024. 6. 19. 이전 1 ··· 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ··· 30 다음 728x90