728x90 명상/게송 (揭頌) 2118 95. 행복의 삶 A Life of Happiness 95. 행복의 삶 A Life of Happiness 죽음이란 망상탈피 Death is shedding delusions해달처럼 밝은세계 A world as bright as the sun and moon오랜번민 그끝에서 At the end of long anguish심신속에 찾아오지 It comes within body and mind자기자신 없었다네 The experience of having no self이런경험 근본경험 Such an experience is fundamental그런경험 치르고저 Desiring to undergo such an experience나온존재 현존재라 Emerges the existing e.. 2024. 9. 3. 94. 깨달음이란 Enlightenment is 94. 깨달음이란 Enlightenment is 깨닫겠다는 너나가 없으며There is no you or I who will realize깨달았다는 너나가 없으니There is no you or I who have realized깨닫지못한 너나가 없다네There is no you or I who have not realized깨달음이란 있는 그대로라Enlightenment is just as it is 2024. 9. 1. 93. 나는나가 I am I 93. 나는나가 I am I 나는나고 너는너며 I am I, and you are you나와너는 둘이라네 They say we are two둘이면서 하나이니 Though we are two, we are one나와너를 모르고서 Not knowing you and me너와나를 말하는가 How can one speak of you and me나와너는 진리이며 You and I are the truth존재하는 하나이며 The one that exists하나면서 둘이로다 One, yet two우리둘을 알고나야 Only when knowing us both나는나가 진리라네 I am .. 2024. 8. 30. 92. 어느날 One day 92. 어느날 One day 나는내가 아니지만 I am not myself, but온세상이 나이라네 The whole world says it's me나혼자만 내가아닌 Only I am not myself존재로서 되었으며 I have become an existence내육신이 없었으며 Without my body물끄러미 나의육신 Staring at my body바라보는 존재로서 As an existence watching내육신에 잠시거함 Temporarily dwelling in my body생생하게 느껴지네 It feels vivid 2024. 8. 28. 이전 1 ··· 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ··· 30 다음 728x90