728x90 명상/게송 (揭頌) 2118 103. 법신 Dharma Body 103. 법신 Dharma Body 부처님은 자신의길 The Buddha walked his own path애쓴적이 없이갔네 Without effort or strain아무런상 걸림없이 Without any hindrance누구처럼 살아보자 Let's live like anyone else전혀애를 쓰지않고 Without striving at all그저자기 자신길을 Just walking his own path아무말도 없이갔네 Without saying a word부처님의 참된모습 The true form of the Buddha법신이라 한다하네 Is called the Dharma Body특정하신 모습없어 T.. 2024. 9. 19. 102. 참나 True Self 102. 참나 True Self 만물만상 불법있다 All things and phenomena have the Buddha's teachings어떤종류 실체에도 In any kind of entity있을수가 없는무아 There cannot be a self고정실체 나가없고 There is no fixed self나없으니 불성없나 No self, does that mean no Buddha-nature?나없기에 불성있네 Because there is no self, .. 2024. 9. 17. 101. 우주 The universe 101. 우주 The universe 대천세계 텅빈공간 The great world, an empty space그세계를 구성하는 Composed of that world수없이도 많은티끌 Countless specks of dust미진들의 텅빈공간 The empty space of fine dust우주임을 말한다네 It is said to be the universe그속에서 삼라만상 In it, all things in the universe나투어서 존재하니 Appear and exist만물만상 본성있네 All things have their nature시작함도 현재미래 The beginni.. 2024. 9. 15. 100. 불국토 an unfavorable land 100. 불국토 an unfavorable land 부처님의 깨끗한땅 The Buddha's pure land그러하나 특정장소 However, it is not a specific place어떤공간 정해진곳 Nor a designated space의미하지 않는다네 It doesn't signify that경계선을 긋는순간 The moment you draw boundaries정토또한 사라지고 The Pure Land also disappears깨달음은 시공차별 Enlightenment transcends time and space특정공간 차별없네 There is no distinction of place이쪽저쪽 나누고서 .. 2024. 9. 13. 이전 1 ··· 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ··· 30 다음 728x90