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3절. 천국, 부모 (Heaven, Parents) 3절. 천국, 부모 (Heaven, Parents) 천국이나 불국토나 Whether it's heaven or the land of Buddha, 물고기들 새들만에 Only for the fishes and the birds, 그들만이 이룬세상 A world achieved only by them, 완벽하신 하나님의 A harmonious world of 조화로운 세상일세 The perfect God. 삼라만상 모두다가 All things in the universe, 하나님의 세상인데 It's God's world, 이곳저곳 따져가며 Going here and there, scrutinizing, 무슨주소 정할손가 What address to set, 모두다가 하나인데 When everything is.. 2024. 1. 23.
2절. 진리 찾아 삼만리(Searching for the Truth for Thirty Thousand Miles) 2절. 진리 찾아 삼만리 (Searching for the Truth for Thirty Thousand Miles) 가고가고 가다보면 Going and going, if you keep going, 언젠가는 도달하네 Someday you will reach. 가는방편 수만가지 There are tens of thousands of ways to go, 어려운길 고난의길 A difficult path, a path of suffering, 수용또한 한가지길 Acceptance is also one way. 먼저찾은 그길또한 The path that was found first, 쉽게바로 알려줘도 Even if it's easily and directly taught, 믿어야만 갈수있지 You can on.. 2024. 1. 22.
1절. 영생(Eternal Life) 1절. 영생 ( Eternal Life) 하나님의 가르침은 God's teachings are 그대로가 진리로서 As they are, the truth. 시비분별 하지않고 Without arguing or distinguishing, 수용하고 행을하면 If you accept and act upon them, 진리천국 살수있네 You can live in the true kingdom of heaven. 이세상은 있는대로 This world, as it is, 그대로가 진리로서 Is the truth. 비추어서 밝혀있어 It's revealed when illuminated, 분별없이 살아가면 If you live without distinguishing, 자유로움 알수있네 You can know th.. 2024. 1. 16.