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게송 (揭頌) 2

102. 참나 True Self

by 꽃단청 2024. 9. 17.

102. 참나 True Self                                                               


참나 True Self

만물만상 불법있다   All things and phenomena have the Buddha's

어떤종류 실체에도   In any kind of entity
있을수가 없는무아   There cannot be a self

고정실체 나가없고   There is no fixed self
나없으니 불성없나   No self, does that mean no Buddha-nature?
나없기에 불성있네   Because there is no self,

                                 there is Buddha-nature

참나와나 존재로서   True self and self as existence
모양실체 인식순간   The moment it is perceived as form and

참나아닌 존재이네   It is not the true self

참나집착 않았을때   When not attached to the true self
참나있고 불성이며   The true self exists, and it is Buddha-nature
모순없고 무아이네   There is no contradiction, and it is no-self


참나 True Self




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