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게송 (揭頌) 2

105. 점수 Gradual Progress

by 꽃단청 2024. 9. 23.

105. 점수 Gradual Progress                                               


점수 Gradual Progress

좋은걸 좋다해도  Even if you say something is good
좋은줄 모르고나  Without knowing it is good
아직도 좋은인연  Still, a good connection
안되어 세월가고 Passes by over time
자존심 자기틀에  Living selfishly
욕심껏 살아가네 In the confines of pride
눈있어 보지않고  Having eyes but not seeing
귀있어 안들리니 Having ears but not hearing
답답해 그지없네  Frustration knows no bounds
말없이 가다보면 As you walk silently
모두가 저절로라  Everything naturally
하나가 되는날이 Will become one someday


점수 Gradual Progress





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