62절. 무위의행 The Action of Non-Action
우리네삶 속에서는 In our lives,
상대방이 어렵거나 When the other is in difficulty or
괴로울때 도움주고 Suffering, to give and
도움받고 하는것은 Receive help is
일상이라 할수있네 Considered everyday life.
살아가며 여유있고 Living with leisure and
도움줄수 있는위치 In a position to give help,
있을때엔 도움주고 When possible, give it and
조건없이 잊어야지 Forget it without conditions,
바랜순간 업이되네 Or it becomes a karma the moment you expect something in return.
도움받은 상대방이 The one who received help
어느순간 나의입장 May, at some point, oppose
반대하고 거부하면 Or reject my stance,
네가내게 그럴수가 Then, feeling disappointed,
섭섭하게 생각하네 I can't believe you'd do that to me.
나의속에 쌓아가는 Accumulating inside me,
스스로의 업이되어 Becoming my own karma,
상대방을 힐난하고 Criticizing the other,
억하심정 생겨나서 Feelings of resentment arise,
다신안봐 분해하네 And I decide never to see them again, dissolving the relationship.
이것들은 내속에다 These are bad karma
쌓아가는 악업이라 Accumulated inside,
행을해도 함이없는 Even if you act, it's futile,
잊고나니 없어지고 Forget, and it disappears,
아무것도 남지않네 Leaving nothing behind.
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