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7절. 순응(順應) Compliance

by 꽃단청 2024. 1. 27.


7절. 순응(順應) Compliance                                                 



혼돈에서 음양나고 From chaos, Yin and Yang were born,

음양에서 사괘오행 From Yin and Yang, the eight trigrams and five elements,

육십사괘 삼라만상 Sixty-four hexagrams, all things in the universe,

천지아래 인간세상 Under heaven and earth, the world of humans,

순리로서 나투었네 Manifested as per the principle.


크고작고 길고짧고 Big and small, long and short,

상대적인 강함약함 Relative strength and weakness,

모두다가 조화속에 Everything is in harmony,

삼천대천 세계모두 In the three thousand great thousand worlds,

치우침이 없다하네 There is said to be no bias.


속세에서 도를닦아 Practicing the Way in the mundane world,

진리찾아 오랜여정 A long journey to find the truth,

오기조원 삼화취정 Returning to the origin, completing the three transformations,

깨달음을 얻고나니 After attaining enlightenment,

모두다가 진리일세 Everything is the truth.


진리로서 모든것이 As the truth, everything

완성되어 이루어진 Is completed and accomplished,

진리세상 찾는다고 Searching for the world of truth,

우습게도 헤메였네 I've foolishly wandered,

그냥살면 되는것을 When I just needed to live.


이제라도 하나님께 Now, to God,

감사하며 순종하고 Give thanks and obey,

진리말씀 포도하고 Spread the word of truth,

천국에서 천사들과 In heaven, with the angels,

즐거웁게 살아가세 Live happily.



