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명상/게송 (揭頌) 1

8절. 무욕(無慾) Desirelessness

by 꽃단청 2024. 1. 28.


8절. 무욕(無慾) Desirelessness                                          


무욕 ( 無慾 ) Desirelessness


탐하거나 집착하지 If you don't covet or cling,

않는다면 모든복덕 All blessings,

자연스레 받는다네 Naturally, you receive,

그공덕은 지헤로와 That merit leads you to

천국으로 인도하네 The world of Jeta and heaven.


이것이다 저것이다 This is it, that is it,

작은것에 연연하여 Attached to small things,

스스로가 지옥속에 If you throw yourself into hell,

몸을던져 살아가면 While living,

진리천국 볼수없네 You won't be able to see the true kingdom of heaven.


사이비에 현옥되어 Being obsessed with cults,

이것인지 저것인지 Is this it, is that it,

진리자체 외면하고 Turning away from the truth itself,

있는것도 없다하고 Even what exists, you say it doesn't,

이리저리 방황하네 Wandering here and there.


분별하여 진리외면 Distinguishing and turning away from the truth,

인연고리 윤회하니 Cycling through the chains of relationships,

무아체득 어려웁고 It's difficult to attain nothingness,

바로앞에 있는진리 Turning away and turning back

외면하고 돌아서네 From the truth right in front of you.


모든것이 진리인데 Everything is the truth,

수탐할게 무엇있나 What is there to seek?

참의세상 순간삶에 In the world of truth, in the moment's life,

욕심없이 살아가면 If you live without greed,

하나님과 영생하네 You will live eternally with God.




