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게송 (揭頌) 1

98절. 적멸 Extinction of Enemies

by 꽃단청 2024. 4. 26.

98절. 적멸 Extinction of Enemies                                        



사람에는 색신법신 In humans, there are physical bodies and spiritual bodies,
두몸있어 존재하네 Existence manifests with both.
색신육신 생사있고 Physical bodies experience life and death,
법신정신 항상존재 Spiritual bodies always exist.
생과사는 하나이라 Life and death are one.

중생들은 오온화합 Ordinary beings are a blend of the five elements,
하는것이 자신모습  Their actions reflect their true nature.
모든법을 분별하여 Discerning all laws,
삼라만상 으로판단 Judging according to the three realms,
사는것을 사랑하네 Loving life.

순간순간 흘러가며 Flowing moment by moment,
꿈과같고 환상같은 Like dreams and illusions,
허상임을 모르고서 Unaware of their falsehood,
헛된윤회 살아가며 Living in futile cycles of existence,
괴로움에 허덕이네 Struggling in suffering.

번뇌미혹 벗어나서 Breaking free from delusions and confusion,
고요경지 들어가면 Entering into the realm of tranquility,
생사근심 영원소멸 An eternal cessation of worldly worries,
불생불멸 법신체득 Attaining the Dharma body of non-birth and non-extinction,
깨달으면 즉시부처 Upon realization, becoming instantly enlightened.

존재함의 무상함을 Experiencing the emptiness of existence,
적멸경험 알고나면 Through the extinction of enemies,
내가없는 이세상이 This world without "me"
하나님의 천국세상 Becomes the kingdom of God,
번뇌없는 절대평화 Absolute peace without suffering.








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