728x90 육조혜능1 114. 육조혜능 Sixth Patriarch Huineng 114. 육조혜능 Sixth Patriarch Huineng 원인없는 결과없네 There is no result without a cause아무것도 만들지마 Do not create anything어느땐가 두승려가 One time, two monks공중에서 펄럭이는 Watching a fluttering flag in the air깃발보며 논쟁하네 Argued while looking at the flag깃발들이 움직인다 "The flag is moving"아니라네 바람이네 "No, it is the wind"움직인것 논쟁하네 Debated what was moving이를들은 육조대사 Hearing this, the Sixth Patria.. 2024. 10. 12. 이전 1 다음 728x90