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명상/게송 (揭頌) 1113

85절. 조상 Ancestors 85절. 조상 Ancestors 하나님의 자손으로 As children of God, 천국삶을 살아가며 Living the life of heaven, 그속에서 살다보니 In it, I have lived, 습관되어 행복함과 And in the process, I forgot 고마움을 잊었다네 Happiness and gratitude, becoming habits. 모든것이 풍요로운 everything is rich 하나님의 은총속에 in the grace of God 변함없이 살아가니 Unchangingly, everything goes on, 모든것이 당연한줄 Thinking everything is natural, 근본정신 잊었다네 I forgot the fundamental spirit. 하나님.. 2024. 4. 14.
84절. 상(想) Thoughts 84절. 상(想) Thoughts 부모에게 태어나서 Having been born to parents, 이세상에 존재하는 Existing in this world, 나란존재 알고보니 Upon realizing my existence, 조상에게 유전되어 I see that I have inherited 모든업습 물려졌네 All the habits from my ancestors. 나란존재 깨닫고저 Realizing my existence, 백팔번뇌 모든것을 I pondered countless times, 버리고서 돌아보니 And upon reflection, 세포마다 조상업습 I found that in every cell, 쌓여있어 버렸다네 Ancestral habits had piled up. 세포하.. 2024. 4. 13.
83절. 빛 Light 83절. 빛 Light 혼돈하고 공허하며 Amidst chaos and emptiness, 깊음위에 흑암있고 Darkness lies upon the depths. 가라사대 빛있으라 But it is said, "Let there be light," 빛이있고 좋았더라 And there was light, and it was good, 빛과어둠 나누시어 Dividing light from darkness. 하나님의 형상속에 In the image of God, 빛과어둠 심으시니 Light and darkness are placed. 하늘의기 남성으로 The masculine energy of heaven, 따의기운 여성으로 The feminine energy of earth, 또하나의 빛과어둠 And an.. 2024. 4. 12.
82절. 스승 Teacher 82절. 스승 Teacher 진리의길 찾아가는 In seeking the path of truth, 가장쉬운 방편에는 The easiest means lies 좋은스승 가르침에 In receiving teachings from a good teacher; 수용하고 증득함이 To accept and gain from them 가장좋은 방편이네 Is the best means. 어떤스승 만나느냐 Depending on the teacher one meets, 그에따라 진리찾는 There can be much difference in the time 시간차이 많이있네 It takes to find the truth. 빨리찾고 못찾음은 The speed of finding or not finding 방편따른 차.. 2024. 4. 11.