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12절. 그모습 그대로(Just As It Is)

by 꽃단청 2024. 2. 1.


12절. 그모습 그대로(Just As It Is)                                        

태어나서 인생살이 Living life since birth,
살아가며 느껴지는 Feeling all sorts of forms,
온갖형태 희로애락 Joy and sorrow,
온몸속에 채우면서 Fill the whole body,
한탄하며 살아가네 Living with constant sighs.

모든것이 허상인데 Everything is an illusion,
나라하는 개체들은 The entities that call themselves 'I',
없는허상 만들어서 Create non-existent illusions,
스스로가 지옥속에 Throw themselves into hell,
몸을던져 살아가네 And live on.

깨달음을 얻은사람 Those who have attained enlightenment,
모양모습 변화없네 Their form remains unchanged.
어리석은 사람들은 Foolish people,
자기자신 잣대대로 Judge by their own standards,
이리저리 분별하네 Distinguish here and there.

후덕하네 인자하네 Kind and compassionate,
잘생기고 음성좋고 Attractive and good-voiced,
말잘하고 유모있고 Speak well and have humor,
겉모습에 반하여서 Being captivated by the outward appearance,
추악함에 물든다네 They are stained in ugliness.

깨달음은 특별한것 Enlightenment is not something special,
기이한것 아니라네 Not something strange,
바로지금 그모습에 Right now, in that form,
그음성에 모양모습 In that voice, in that appearance,
그대로가 진리라네 Just as it is, it's the truth.


