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96절. 빅뱅, 불이(不二) The Big Bang, Not-Two 96절. 빅뱅, 불이(不二) The Big Bang, Not-Two 하나님과 성령성자 God and the Holy Spirit, 음양정신 법신보신 Yin and Yang, the Law and the Principle, 진공묘유 빛에너지 The Void, Mystery, and Energy of Light, 우리들이 지역따라 According to our regions, 이름지어 불렀다네 We named them. 시각적인 우주세계 In the visual universe, 검고검은 묘한바탕 On a mysterious black background, 그속에서 별과달해 From there, stars and moons emerged, 원시우주 빅뱅이전 Before the Big Bang of the p.. 2024. 4. 24.
95절. 선업 Merit and Deeds 95절. 선업 Merit and Deeds 행을해도 함이없는 Even if one performs deeds 온갖공덕 짓고서도 Without expectation of reward, 그공덕을 받고자도 Engaging in all sorts of virtues, 탐하지도 아니하니 Not even desiring to receive them, 그공덕이 참이라네 Those virtues are true. 복덕짓고 받고자면 If one performs virtuous deeds 그순간에 내마음속 With the intention to receive, 행에대한 상대방에 In that moment, within my heart, 대가성의 바램으로 Towards the other party in the action,.. 2024. 4. 23.
93절. 앞가림 Concealment 93절. 앞가림 Concealment 진리찾는 방편배워 Learning the method of seeking truth, 깨우침에 회개하고 Awakening with repentance, 감사하고 고마움에 With gratitude and appreciation, 내가아는 모든이에 To everyone I know, 이방편을 공개하네 I reveal this method. 처음에는 이런일이 At first, such things happen, 그다음엔 저런현상 Then various phenomena arise, 마지막엔 진리세상 Finally, in the world of truth, 경외하고 행복함에 In reverence and happiness, 이런저런 행을하네 Various actions a.. 2024. 4. 22.
92절. 진리찾기 Seeking Truth 92절. 진리찾기 Seeking Truth 구하는건 무엇인가 What is sought 없었을때 구함이요 Is what was not there before, 찾는다함 어느곳에 To search is to seek 있는지를 모를때에 When one does not know 찾는것을 의미하네 Where it exists. 너희문을 두드리라 Knock, and it will be opened to you, 그러하면 찾으리라 Search, and you will find. 닫힌문을 열어달라 Ask, and the closed door will be opened, 필요한것 요청하여 Request what is needed, 원하는것 찾으라네 And seek what is desired. 하나님의 진리세상 In .. 2024. 4. 21.