728x90 명상231 83절. 빛 Light 83절. 빛 Light 혼돈하고 공허하며 Amidst chaos and emptiness, 깊음위에 흑암있고 Darkness lies upon the depths. 가라사대 빛있으라 But it is said, "Let there be light," 빛이있고 좋았더라 And there was light, and it was good, 빛과어둠 나누시어 Dividing light from darkness. 하나님의 형상속에 In the image of God, 빛과어둠 심으시니 Light and darkness are placed. 하늘의기 남성으로 The masculine energy of heaven, 따의기운 여성으로 The feminine energy of earth, 또하나의 빛과어둠 And an.. 2024. 4. 12. 82절. 스승 Teacher 82절. 스승 Teacher 진리의길 찾아가는 In seeking the path of truth, 가장쉬운 방편에는 The easiest means lies 좋은스승 가르침에 In receiving teachings from a good teacher; 수용하고 증득함이 To accept and gain from them 가장좋은 방편이네 Is the best means. 어떤스승 만나느냐 Depending on the teacher one meets, 그에따라 진리찾는 There can be much difference in the time 시간차이 많이있네 It takes to find the truth. 빨리찾고 못찾음은 The speed of finding or not finding 방편따른 차.. 2024. 4. 11. 81절. 부자 Rich 81절. 부자 Rich 현재까지 쌓은지식 The knowledge accumulated until now, 관습들에 묶여있고 Bound by customs, 그틀속에 갖혀있어 Confined within those frames, 진리찾아 가는길을 Even when taught the path to truth, 가르쳐도 듣질않고 They do not listen. 막혀있는 사고들을 I'm going to show you all the blocked accidents 바뀌도록 가르쳐야 I'll teach you to change 진리찾아 가는길이 The path to truth, 쉽고또한 빠를텐데 Would be easier and faster, 권위로서 막고있네 But blocked by authority.. 2024. 4. 10. 80절. 몸 Body 80절. 몸 Body 텅비워진 무극에서 Empty from the infinite, 음양따라 변화하여 Following the principles of Yin and Yang, 상생상극 오행나고 Interacting with the four elements of existence, 정기신에 음양화신 Harmonizing with the cycles of energy, 모든만물 생성되네 All things are created. 건도성남 무극참됨 The source of creation is boundless, 음양오행 기화하여 Transforming with Yin and Yang, the elements, 또하나의 태극으로 Into one Taiji, 하늘의기 남성으로 The energy of the .. 2024. 4. 9. 이전 1 ··· 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 ··· 58 다음 728x90