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59절. 적멸 Nirvana 59절. 적멸 Nirvana 살아있는 육신갖고 With a living body, 보고듣고 생각하고 Seeing, hearing, thinking, 행을해야 실천하지 To enact and practice, 죽어있는 육신으론 With a lifeless body, 아무것도 할수없네 Nothing can be accomplished. 내가하고 싶어하는 All the goals and aspirations, 목표하는 모든일들 Desiring to achieve, 스스로가 육신으로 Must be moved and thought by oneself, 움직이며 생각해야 Through the body in action, 이룰수가 있다하네 They can be realized. 하나님을 만나려고 Meeting God.. 2024. 3. 19.
58절. 하나 One 58절. 하나 One 지난세월 돌아보면 Looking back on the past months and years, 가장좋은 기쁜일은 The greatest joy comes from 종교적인 방황으로 Wandering through various religions, 여러종교 답습하고 Practicing different faiths, 신을찾은 기쁨이네 And finding the joy in seeking God. 하나님이 네속있다 God is within you, 이해하지 못하고서 Unable to comprehend, 실질적인 증거있나 Were there concrete evidence? 여러가지 상황에서 In various situations, 고민하고 고민했네 I pondered and pond.. 2024. 3. 18.
57절. 결실 Fruition 57절. 결실 Fruition 많은사람 가운데는 Among many people, 좋고나쁜 생각들과 Good and bad thoughts, 긍적적인 부정적인 Positive and negative attitudes, 자세들이 섞여있어 Are all mixed together, 구분하기 어려웁네 Difficult to distinguish. 일정시간 지나가고 After a certain period of time 결실시기 다가오면 When the season of fruition approaches, 확연히도 구분되며 Clearly differentiated, 진리찾는 진짜배기 The true seekers of truth 튀어나서 알수있네 You can tell by jumping out 우리내가 알음.. 2024. 3. 17.
56절. 열반 Nirvana 56절. 열반 Verse 56. Nirvana 태어나서 보고듣고 Since I was born, I've seen and heard it 생각함이 한순간도 I can't even think about it for a second 멈춤없는 고해바다 a never-ending sea of confession 그자리에 항상있고 Always present in that very place, 떠난적이 없었다네 Never departed. 일렁이는 파도속에 in the swaying waves 펼쳐지는 행불행이 The unfortunate and unfortunate situation unfolds 모두가다 자신만에 Everyone is in their own hands 벌어지는 일이라고 It's happening.. 2024. 3. 16.